
In Memory of Comrade President Kim Il Sung

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COMRADES and friends,

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July 8, 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the death of great leader Comrade President Kim Il Sung.

On this occasion the world progressive people feel more keenly the sense of loss of an eminent leader, the sun of the 20th century of the progressive people of the world.

On this day we look back upon the memory of this rare celebrated political figure together with the world patriotic and progressive peoples and the Korean people.

The history of the people for independence will never forget President Kim Il Sung, its centre of gravity, spokesman and standard-bearer. He waged an armed struggle against million-strong Japanese army in order to save the nation. It was a great detonation announcing the advent of a new era.

On August 15 the Korean People's Revolutionary Army defeated the Japanese imperialists to put an end to the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists and the world history met a new turning point. Young hero General Kim Il Sung returned home in triumph and enforced a new policy.

The Korean people waited for this grand star of Mt. Paektu President Kim Il Sung who made the salvation of the nation his supreme mission.

He considered it his supreme obligation to realize the yearning of the nation for the liberation. We can certainly confirm that the motherland Korea is the cradle brought by great leader Comrade President Kim Il Sung. His patriotism and devotion to the country is fairly estimated because he always had in his mind a correct conception of the motherland.

The greatness of a country is not measured by the size of its territory, population or power of the armed force. Rather it lies in the dignity and prestige of the nation monolithically rallied behind the leader who authored a new guiding idea.

The Juche idea came into being in response to the urgent demand of the new era when the oppressed and colonized masses of people became the master of their destiny. This elevated their struggle for independence higher and inaugurated a new era of Juche era and great guiding idea.

The era is characteristic of having strengthened the national liberation struggle of the peoples of the colonial countries started in the East and conformed to the most of the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The antagonism grew intense between peoples and reactionary exploiters, and the popular masses deprived of sovereignty were up in arms to the liberation struggle. The struggle of the people for independence went beyond narrow limits to worldwide scope.

Thus a new era when the size grew and revolutionary movements diversified in a broader sphere, opened up.

The rapid growth of such a struggle does not mean that the revolutionary movement developed smoothly without any hitches.

The peoples rose up against oppressors, but could not find the correct way of struggle.

The revolutionary movement seemed to be a ship without a compass in a rough sea. Therefore, all the peoples had to take a responsible stand on their own revolution and needed a guiding idea of the revolution by which they could solve all the problems to conform to the situation prevailing in their country on their own strength.

Though history arrived in a new era, it could not go on with the ideas of the preceding era. The era and people urgently needed a new guiding idea of revolution.

But no matter how urgent it might be, not any could put forth a guideline that can illumine the way. The Juche idea that can guide the revolution and construction in our era can only be associated with the august name of respected leader Comrade Kim Il Sung. He is a distinguished ideologist and theoretician with unrivalled qualities: He lived with infinite love of people, remarkable intelligence, extraordinary insight, firm Juche-oriented position and settled all problems free from any established theories or experiences, relying on his erudite intelligence and with innovative vision.

There are many stories relating his eminent aptitude.

He organized the DIU and worked out a Juche-oriented programme of the Korean revolution. This was an authentic new type revolutionary organization. Therefore, the people began to respect him already when he was close to his 20s as a savior of the Korean revolution and the patriots who had been groping the way of the revolution assembled to him in crowds. At this time his original name Kim Song Ju was renamed as Kim Il Sung meaning the “Sun of Korea”. His name Kim Il Sung was given by the revolutionary fighters during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.

This august name contains the unanimous wish of the people to have a great sun of the Korean revolution, a respected leader gifted with eminent aptitude, that is, a great man capable of seeing through the demand of the revolution and solving the historical tasks raised by the revolution.

The immortal Juche idea is a fruit born by his remarkable quality and his genuine love of people unknown so far in history. The luminance of the Juche idea brilliant like the stars lit by rays of the sun convinces us that it is a great discovery.

In his early revolutionary struggle he discerned the errors of the forerunners and chose a way different from them. In other words, he pursued another genuine way, that is, to go among the people to win their support and make them aware of the truth that they are the masters of the revolution and educate them and rally them to win victory in the revolution. There is one of the originalities of the Juche idea.

Next, the great leader made clear the harms of toadyism and dogmatism and held that a revolutionary should not try to seek some others’ approval or command, but keep to his own faith and sense of responsibility and solve all the problems raised the way in an independent and creative manner.

These two principles became a cornerstone in the creation of the Juche idea, a guiding idea, in the era of the independence. It was really a great discovery unprecedented in history. The history knows many discoveries and valuables contributing to the wellbeing of mankind. But, it does not known such a great discovery as the one of the truth forming the basis of revolution.

Archimedes once said: Give me a fulcrum and lever, and I will lift the earth. He could not obtain both and so failed. However, in ideological aspect President Kim Il Sung got the fulcrum, in other words, created the Juche idea to change the appearance of the world, in particular, the one of the underdeveloped and developing countries colonized to be subject to exploitation and oppression.

With the creation of the Juche idea the peoples could have a correct guiding idea that will bring them to victory in the struggle for independence. The Korean revolution full of vicissitudes could advance along the glorious and victorious path. Thanks to this idea emerged a new Korea, free, happy, powerful and prosperous. This is a golden era of Asia. The Juche idea reflecting the demand of the times propelled the progressive movement and opened up a new era of history.

The historical flow of time does not mean an automatic replacement of the old era with the new. There is no movement of an era that is not guided by an ideology. Just as the ideology of men governs all his activities, so the ideas representing the given era pushes forward the movement of the era.

The era of independence, our new era in which the masses of people emerged as the master of the world and reform their destiny in an independent and creative manner, is related with the Juche idea.

The Juche idea awakened the people for the first time in history with the truth that man is the master of his own destiny and he has the power to transform it and at the same time indicated a correct way of transforming his own destiny in an independent and creative manner, so as to encourage them to the struggle for independence. The ship of our era thus began to sail along the course of independence.

Comrades and friends,
The new era, our historical era, could be inaugurated by associating the Juche idea with the Lumumba’s Congolese Uhuru and implementing them in our struggle for independence against all sorts of oppression and domination. Therefore, the world calls our era one of Juche inaugurated by the Juche idea and Congolese Uhuru.

Comrades and friends,
Comrade President Kim Il Sung is a legendary hero who saved the nation. The survival of Korea which was close to being eclipsed and the present dignity of Korea were neither given by “the Heaven” nor is a “casual present given by the times”. This was brought entirely by the incomparable strategy and outstanding leadership of President Kim Il Sung, rare patriot and legendary hero.

While holding fast to his line of Juche of the nation, he proved that he should depend on the great strength of the nation instead of the foreign forces if he was going to defeat Japanese imperialism and liberate the country. Accordingly, he rallied the peoples from all walks of life including workers, peasants, students, intellectuals, merchants, conscientious capitalists and religionists behind the banner of opposing Japanese imperialists with the guerrillas seasoned in the crucible of the anti-Japanese struggle at the core.

The people said in praise of him: General Kim Il Sung is a heaven-born brilliant commander having the nature under his thumb. He is a mystic General who crosses his men by flying dead leaves like a boat and has land-contracting and disguising magic.”

Actually all the facts are a testifier that the anti-Japanese war waged by him to save the nation gave hope and confidence in victory to the Korean nation dying in the colonial darkness. On August 15, 1945 after 15 years of anti-Japanese resistance detonation rang the land! The colonial yoke of Japanese imperialism broke apiece and the General returned Pyongyang, capital of Korea, in triumph. Enthusiastic cheers burst forth.

Journalists asked him: “You are known to be General Magic contracting the land. What is the secret? He answered: Frankly speaking, a man cannot have such an invisible land-contracting secret. If any, it was because we relied on the people. Anybody can have that magic if he is loyal to the masses of people and have a close relationship with them. In fact, in the days of 15 years-long anti-Japanese war the great leader was always among them to save them.

Five years after Korea was liberated the White House miscalculated to start the Korean war which lasted three years (1950-1953).

Klaus Witz, author of modern military science and German military theoretician, wrote in his book “On the War” that a war is neither an amusement nor a fancy”. However, arrogant and fanatic United States started the Korean war. They bragged: The victory is a matter of time.

The 2 years-old KPA will run off at a mere sight of American uniforms.

Three days after the start of the war Seoul was taken away and routing continued driven by the KPA's counterattack. During the 3 years-long war the US had to drink a bitter cup of crushing defeat for the first time in its history. In this war it lost 1,567,000 troops (including 45,000 GIs), 12,000 aircraft, and a great deal of war materiel (including tanks, armored cars, and munitions and so on). Its loss amounted to almost 2-3 times that in Pacific during the World War Two.

Besides, the US had to replace the so-called UN commander three times on: McArthur, Ridgeway, Van Fleet, Walker, Clark, Dean were known to have accomplished “exploits” in many aggressive wars. But all of them left a bad name of vanquished generals and the prestige of the US forces called “world might” fell to the ground.

Clark, the last UN commander who signed the Armistice Agreement, confessed that he was the first commander of the US army “who, beaten, made a signature on the armistice agreement.”

Then what is it that the US could not beat the DPRK with only tens of millions population though it enlisted its own mighty forces and the forces of its 15 satellite states and had ample war experiences?

I am going to answer it in a word: “The decisive factor of the victory in a war lies not in the excellence of military technology, but the morale of the men. Almighty power is in a noble patriotic spirit determined to repel the invaders and defend the destiny of the nation. The power of the entire army and people rallied behind President Kim Il Sung was the factor of the victory.”

Therefore, we want to advise the White House rulers to keep in mind the Chantiana proverb inscribed in the wall of the Dathan Museum in the concentration camp of Jews: “He who does not bear in mind its past will repeat it.”

President Kim Il Sung and the Korean people who defeated the US and Japanese imperialists respectively in one generation embarked on the construction of the country.

The Korean Party, army and people built a socialist industrial state, independent, self-supporting and self-defensive without reliance on foreign countries within less than ten years.

All these exploits could be achieved because the Juche was established and the principles of independence, self-supporting and self-defense implemented. The credit goes to the unique guiding idea indicating the path ahead in the light of the historical viewpoint for the national prosperity, independence and development.

If all our comrades and friends genuinely love their nation and want the interests and prosperity of the country, they must, I think, make themselves patriots and embody the Juche idea, Uhuru idea, advocating that man is the master of himself.

Comrades and friends,
After the great leader passed away, the Korean revolution was carried forward victoriously by leader Kim Jong Il faithful in his Juche idea. Leader Kim Jong Il developed the Juche idea to set forth the Songun idea and establish the mode of Songun politics, and put up the army as the main force of revolution and defender of the country. As is seen, the army and people united around the Party are out to building a prosperous and thriving socialist country with their own genuine nuclear force. Kim Jong Il patriotism becomes a great example the Korean Party and people should follow.

Today eminent leader Comrade Marshal Kim Jong Un leads Korea. The prosperous socialist nation carries the day under his leadership.

We firmly believe that the reunification of Korea, the sacred cause, initiated by President Kim Il Sung and respected leader Kim Jong Il, is definite.

Under his wise leadership President Kim Il Sung will always be in the heart of the Korean and world progressive peoples.

Homage and immortal glory to President Kim Il Sung!

In the struggle for socialism, victory will be on our side! ***

Gaston Otete Mboyo
Chairman of Democratic Congo-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Association
Vice-chairman of National Committee for Study of Juche Idea

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