
We Remember with Pride His Years of Struggle

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FROM From KFA Ireland, with deepest respect and affection, on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Passing of the Eternal President, Kim Il Sung.

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The motto of the Eternal President, Kim Il Sung, was “Serve the Working Masses and let flowers bloom on a rock if this is the people’s desire.” This was a motto shared by our Dear Leader, Kim Jong Il.

It can be said that this one phrase sums up everything about the heroic project that is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Its ambition is grand in scale, urging nothing less than the building of paradise on earth for the working man and woman. And, even if the workers should ask for the impossible, the Supreme Leadership of the DPRK will not hesitate to accomplish this exploit.

We see in this phrase the noble and poetic mind of the Eternal President. Even as he planned and executed great works of concrete and steel, his mind was on soft and beautiful flowers for the people to enjoy.

In 1953, when the patriotic forces of the Korean Peoples’ Army and their gallant allies had fought the imperialist invader to a standstill, and forced him to sue for an armistice, the US generals had boasted that they had bombed Korea with such genocidal ferocity that it would take the DPRK one hundred years to rebuild. And yet, a mere ten years later, the DPRK was the second most industrialized state in Asia. How was this miracle achieved?

In complete contrast to Western leaders, the Eternal President did not see the Korean nation as a mere economy. He saw it as a living work of art, where each man, woman and child was of the utmost importance. When people have such a leader, they will move mountains with their bare hands, so filled are their hearts with love and patriotic spirit.

The Eternal President had the great vision to join the natural artistic temperament of the Korean people, their endless ingenuity in the face of all obstacles, along with their resolute determination never to be defeated, to the modern methods of industrial and agricultural planning and production.

The beloved Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, developed the Juche philosophy of self reliance, so that even when former comrades strayed from the true path of Socialist development, the DPRK was able to continue the great work of building a thriving Socialist economy – even when faced with the worst circumstances any country could ever face, and while the imperialist enemy licked his fangs at the thought of looting everything the Korean people had struggled so hard to build.

As a young man, Kim Il Sung had won the love of all the Korean people, north and south. Following the defeat of the Japanese imperial forces, Kim Il Sung was the national hero of the Korean people. He had been their leader in the time of national resistance, and nobody doubted that a nation-wide general election, agreed by the allies to be held in 1948, would sweep him to peace-time power with a landslide victory.

Meanwhile, however, the USA had conspired to set up a right wing junta of former Japanese Army officers in Seoul, and the Japanese officer junta refused to allow the general election. This junta of national traitors was hated by all the Korean people, and when the Korean Peoples’ Army liberated southern Korea, within a few days during the summer of 1950, they were greeted in every southern town and village as returning heroes – and, indeed, many of them were southern patriots returning home.

No wonder then, that US Army soldiers wrote home sad letters to their loved ones, telling them how the Korean people hated them, and that even in Seoul they did not feel safe from the ordinary people. They reported that the mercenary army of the Japanese officer junta were useless in the field of battle, as very few of the soldiers wanted to fight against Kim Il Sung. All of this has been written out of the Western version of events, but the letters from the US soldiers still exist, and still make liars out of the US politicians, media and generals.

Above all else, the Eternal President loved the children – as did Dear Leader Kim Jong Il. Today, Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un continues this noble tradition of loving Korea’s children and regarding them as the greatest treasure of the nation. No matter where the Eternal President went, in his many state visits to fellow Socialist and Anti-imperialist countries, the children came out to greet him in their thousands. They could feel his warm fatherly embrace, and we can see how much the children of every continent loved him, from the many wonderful films we have of these glorious events.

As we prepare to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the passing of our beloved Generalissimo and Eternal President on July 8th, we remember his youthful exploits of valour in the face of the Japanese enemy. We remember his unbreakable determination in resisting and driving back the Anglo-Saxon horde.

We remember with pride his years of struggle to lift Korea out of the ashes of war, and into the bright light of industrial, agricultural, social, artistic and cultural development, to the point where the DPRK became the envy of Asia, and the subject of bitter resentment on the part of the USA and its local running dogs.

We remember and study the great Juche Idea, which is of such great benefit, and such inspiration, to all nations attempting to break free of the chains of colonial exploitation and the building of a thriving Socialist economy. Lastly, but by no means least, we remember the man. Kim Il Sung was kind and loving father to us all. You are forever in our hearts, our beloved Eternal President. ***

KFA Ireland

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