
Kim Il Sung, Paragon of Mankind

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WE mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Comrade Kim Il Sung, great leader and permanent President.

Through this seminar held in Indonesia we pay homage to Comrade Kim Il Sung, brilliant Commander and paragon of the anti-imperialist struggle together with all the Korean people and all the progressive peoples and firmly convince that his guidance will always be kept in our memory.

Comrade Kim Il Sung will always be as the greatest of the great men in the history of mankind.

He wisely led the heroic and protracted struggle against foreign invasion and for the country's sovereignty and guided the socialist revolution and construction victoriously to the last moment of his life in 1994.

He was born in a ruined colonized country. The Japanese imperialists, in league with a few traitors of the feudal government of Korea, dissolved the Korean government, annexed it to Japan in 1910 and set up the most cruel colonial ruling system. Koreans were deprived even of their names and forced to have Japanese names.

However, millions of Korean people were not obedient to this and fought at the risk of oppression, torture and death or emigrated abroad.

I would like first to quote the maxim Comrade Claudius Campos has given to us: “Comrade Kim Il Sung found the key to victory in the awareness of man. That is none other than the Juche idea. He published the Juche idea in the report to the Kalun meeting in 1930 in his 18 years of age.”

“To establish Juche means that one maintains a position that the master of the revolution and construction in one’s country is himself. It means that one should maintain an independent stand using his own brain instead of relying on others and display a revolutionary spirit of solving his own problem of his own accord relying on his own strength.

It is not easy to create such a great and revolutionary idea at a time when the nation was subject to the lot of suffering in a colony of the Japanese imperialists.

Japanese imperialists made every effort to stifle the Korean nation to death. What is decisive in liberating the country is to have an independent consciousness and rally the 20 million of Korean nation to the sacred war for the liberation of Korea.

He went on to say to us in the events and meetings held in Brazil:

“Comrade Kim Il Sung was 33 years old when he defeated the Japanese imperialists and later led the struggle against the US invasion in 1950-1953 to victory. At the time the US imperialists made more than two thousands of provocations along the 38th parallel to start the aggressive war for occupying Korea, but repulsed them every time. The Korean People's Army founded and led by him drove the Yankee warmaniacs to the southern tip of the Korean peninsula with heroic actions.

Though it was thoroughly devastated by the plunder of Japanese imperialists and aggression of the US imperialists, the Democratic People's republic of Korea fought undauntedly and built a powerful economy, eradicated illiteracy, removed unemployment and turned itself into an independent dignified civilized country. It developed science and technology, ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, machine-tool production, aircraft, metallurgical industry and nuclear technology for solving the problem of electricity in severe natural calamities. Its publishing work and literature and art developed on an unusual level.

President Kim Il Sung rallied all the Korean people into one to defend the sovereignty of the country and decisively frustrated the interventionist war acts of the US. This struggle was successfully inherited by Comrade Kim Jong Il, his successor. Comrade Kim Jong Il put forth the Songun politics in which primary importance was put to the national defense out of all other state affairs. The Songun politics is now succeeded and developed by supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

President Kim Il Sung devoted all his lifetime to the struggle for the sovereignty of Korea and the independent peaceful reunification of the country. In a word, the exploits made by him for the mankind lie in the fact that he made clear for the first time the important and decisive role of consciousness and unity in the struggle for freeing from the yoke of imperialism. His ideological and theoretical exploits were succeeded by Comrades Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un.

Next, he is the founder and leader of the Workers' Party of Korea and the great leader of the Korean revolution who fought foreign occupiers personally with arms in hand.

His name made the Korean nation independent, proud, optimistic and civilized people.

In 1946 the Law on Sex Equality was adopted. The state exercised universal free medical care and education and provided the people with dwelling houses free of charge.

Under the correct and rightful leadership of the WPK founded by President Kim Il Sung and by the principle of Juche socialist Korea is an independent and prosperous country which achieved the unity of the army and people. It will continue to frustrate the incessant challenges of imperialists to defend the revolutionary gains and national independence, achieve the independent and peaceful reunification and make all the people to enjoy an affluent and happy life.

To put an end to the military presence of the US in south Korea, to achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country, Korea is one.

Long live Marshal Kim Jong Un!
Long live permanent President Comrade Kim Il Sung!
Long live socialist Korea! ***

Rosanita Campos
Vice-chairman of the Liberal Fatherland Party of Brazil
Director of Claudius Campos Fund
Director of Brazil-Korea Friendship Association

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