
Kim Il Sung will Remain Forever in the Memory of the Progressive Mankind

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THE progressive mankind praises President Kim Il Sung, founder of socialist Korea, as the eternal sun of Juche.

President Kim Il Sung who embarked on the road of struggle to liberate the Korean people from the Japanese colonial fetters, formed the “Down-with Imperialism Union” on October 17, 1926.

President Kim Il Sung who organized the Anti- Japanese People's Guerilla Army without state backing and support of a regular army, adhered strictly to the banner of self-liberation during the anti-Japanese armed struggle.

After liberation he set forth the independent line of building Korean style-democracy, neither Russian style nor American and ensured that the will, demand and interest of the Korean people were embodied in the building of a new society.

He erected a powerful socialist state where the principle of independence in politics, self-reliance in economy and self defence in national upbuilding were embodied.

President Kim Il Sung opened up a new era of international relationship based on independence. He made it a strict rule to exercise the equal right and sovereignty in external activities.

President Kim Il Sung will remain forever in the memory of the progressive mankind who advocate independence as the sun of Juche. ***

Garib Newaz
President, People's League of Bangladesh
President, Bangladesh Self-reliance Research Centre Dhaka

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