
The Korean People were Inspired to Follow Kim Il Sung's Leadership

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TWENTY years is a fitting time to reflect on the accomplishments of the Great leader Kim Il Sung, a true patriot who devoted his life to serving his people.

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Throughout life Kim Il Sung displayed a concern and sensitivity to the situation the Korean people found themselves in. By constantly moving around the country visiting schools, factories, construction sites, hospitals, farms, military establishments and families in their homes he developed an intimate relationship with the Korean people.

His philosophy and policies were guided by the dialogues he held with the people. He listened to them and he respected them. In this way his leadership was moulded by the needs of the people he served.

In response, the Korean people were inspired to follow his leadership and participate in his vision of a nation a united and at peace with its neighbours, a nation where the dignity of the person is matched by the dignity of the entire population. He reinforced the inter-relationship which exists between individual, the community and the nation state, a relationship which builds on the values of self reliance, innovation and proud independence.

Kim Il Sung is quoted as teaching that peace secured by slavish submission is not peace. It is due to his wisdom and guidance that the DPRK is able to stand today tall, proud and independent. For this he is honoured, twenty years on, as a continuing source of inspiration and hope. ***

Don Borrie, Chairman
Peter Wilson, Secretary

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